Benefits of RecallChek:

(Click above for more information)
- A complete recall report for all your major home systems within 48 hours
- Immediate notification if your appliance is recalled
- 24/7 online inventory of your appliances in case of loss
- Lifetime Recall Protection
- Add and update your home’s appliances as required
- Dedicated customer service team to assist you in getting your free in-home repairs
- Receive Monthly Maintenance tips every homeowner should know about

The RecallChek Process
How we make homes safer one appliance at a time:
- Appliance data for a property is submitted to RecallChek through whichever means is most appropriate (after Home Inspection or by customer).
- Using our Model Number Algorithm(MNA), RecallChek computer matches your appliance make and model numbers against MILLIONS of recalls
- RecallChek will then hand-check the report to eliminate wrong numbers from worn plates and ID cards, and other potential issues.
In the event of a potential recall, RecallChek issues a report including
- the nature of the recall
- locations where the product was sold
- how to remedy the defect in your appliance
- how to get the item repaired/replaced (in many cases – absolutely FREE!)