Pre-Delivery Inspection
Just because a home is brand-new does not mean it is perfect. Protect yourself by finding problems before you move in. The Pre-Delivery Inspection looks at your new build home from top to bottom to ensure it is move-in ready.
The Home Inspector joins you and the builder or builder’s representative during a walk-through of the newly-constructed home to document the areas or items that are not completed, not functioning properly, damaged, absent, unreachable, and otherwise defective or deficient. Your list of concerns and issues is provided to the builder during the PDI process. This helps to minimize any future disputes with your builder regarding who is responsible for what repairs or replacements. All deficiencies identified by you (and your Inspector) should be recorded by the builder on the PDI Form. It is important that all known defects be recorded prior to closing, so there is no question that the defect was not caused by you. It is the builder’s responsibility to provide you with an accurate copy of the PDI Form once completed.
The builder (or their representative) is obligated to provide you with instructions that explain how the various systems of the new home function (like plumbing, heating, electrical, etc.) during a walk-through. Understanding how to operate these major systems in your new home is paramount to ensure you do not void any warranties through incorrect operation or maintenance.